"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe that there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
Quote by: Henry Ford
What is meant by this quote is that the banking system is croup and that if people new what was and is sill going on in the banking system and that paper currency has no value. America would have a revolution within the fortnight.
My opinion of this quote is that Henry Ford was well informed and saw the hole picture not just the problems around him. Currency today is backed on the whims of the banks. Banks give loans to the government and the government goes into deeper debt. But what happens when the people of this sick nation relies that that the currency that they use is backed on debt and is worth so much less than the material it is printed on it would take an ounce of gold to get a single dollar bill to equal the worth of the material it is printed on.